College Training

SAP Education has developed an innovative partnership model called uAcademy to bring the SAP Courses to be delivered right at the college. This unique association is expected to deliver the world class training designed and developed by SAP using the online training methodology. Such specialized trainings will not only help the students enhance their career opportunities but also provide them with a distinct edge over their peers with the globally accepted SAP certification.

PRIMUS SAP Academy is also authorized to take SAP education to universities, colleges and business schools under the SAP Students Academy programs. The main purpose of the SAP Students Academy is to make the college students more industry equipped and to bridge the demand and supply gap in the industry. SAP certification is like a passport to a glorious global career. A student with a degree from the university aligned with SAP certification is a valued plus point to the appropriate industries in the global market. SAP certified consultants are the most in demand and one of the maximum rewarded.

Benefits of SAP Students Academy partnership to Students:

Benefits of SAP Students Academy partnership to University/College/Business School:

Why SAP uAcademy?

The course is designed to improve the convenience and cost-effectiveness of training for graduate and post-graduate students seeking a career in SAP solutions. SAP’s online training solutions through Primus SAP Solution Academy offers an efficient and effective way to transfer knowledge of SAP. Course duration will be conducted for 200 hrs over a period of five months. Each course provides interactive snapshots of business processes, along with simulations, and exercises. What’s more, you can seek assistance by sap expertise via NetMeetings to stay in touch with subject matter.

Vision : SAP uAcademy

To support SAP skills workforce development to help enable the SAP ecosystem and meet our part of corporate social responsibility.
To offer a dynamic curriculum to students at par with the ERP industry and thus widen the learning horizon.
We help students to create an added advantage and increase their career potential and growth opportunities by offering SAP certification .

PRIMUS acts as Industry partner and provides support in the following:

Activities performed by PRIMUS at University

  1. Preparation of site (Labs) at participating college location.
  2. Configuration of SAP LMS, assessment software’s, exercise simulation platform and create assessment for and at respective colleges
  3. ‘Train The Trainer’ Program of 96 hours (T-T-T for max & upto 40 faculties) with practical hands-on lab sessions.
  4. Support Trainers to conduct Students trainings and also complete the lab assignments.
  5. Conduct CAT (Common Assessment Tests) L0 to L1 with medium to high complexities to check industry placement readiness of students undergoing SAP courses and completed respective SAP modular courses.
  6. PRIMUS with help from SAP and specific university/college provide 100% placement assistance & opportunities for all SAP global certified students.

Our Universities/Institutes Alliances :

Student Academy Testimonial
College of Engineering, Pune (COEP)